Ok today some people are still in school! but todays their last day. I f you get on here will you please tell your friends to get on here too?! My mom put Mrs.Dickerson and Mrs.A something. What about you?
I'm at my g-parents house right now. But theres nothing to do cause g-pa's at work and g-ma is with rayghan and natilie at Lowes or somewhere around town.Today i slep till 11:45! But i woke myself up. cause g-parents went out. but they told me so, don't think they just leave my.
Today last day of school!:(
Kinda sad. all the crying and hugging! i spent 2 recess hugging people! i f you ask some people they might say "some girl came up and hugged me!" i didn't know some of the people though!lol




Today I went to school and had a never ending spelling bee. I wasn't in it though, I'm a horrible speller!!!!
Today I'm just getting home from school.It was ok. But we had a sub.
Its almost time to go back to school!!!!Me and Olivia didn't make the talent show:(
I'm back from vacation! It was very hot in Florida and I got a sunburn!!!!!I'm excited to be back.We got back this morning around 3:00-3:40a.m. so I'm not at school today!:)